About us
Soar Valley Bus is an Industrial and Provident Society, with charitable status, its object of “Operating transport services for the benefit of the community and to assist the work of organisations and bodies engaged in the relief of poverty, sickness and the disabilities of age, the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation within the meaning of Section 1 of the Recreation Charities Act 1958 and any other charitable purpose in Rushcliffe and District.”

“The Soar Valley community bus is a godsend. It has given me back some independence. I can get out and have some me time, meet friends, choose my own shopping or just meander around on my own. The service is friendly and helpful and I for one would be lost without it – a prisoner in my own home”
Its headquarters is the family home of the currently appointed Operations Manager and is run by an unpaid, volunteer Committee and operated by a pool of some thirty unpaid volunteer drivers, drawn from the residents of the villages of the Soar Valley. No-one in our organisation is paid or claims expenses and any operational “profit” is placed in a vehicle replacement fund.
We now operate two wheelchair accessible, low-floor, sixteen seater Bluebird Orion minibuses, each with a wheelchair bay. All drivers take a stringent driving test, are CRB checked and undergo a medical before being issued a Permit to Drive by Nottinghamshire County Council. In addition all our drivers undergo MiDAS training. Our vehicles carries both a S.22 and a S.19 Permit from the Department For Transport, have Preventative Maintenence Inspections at eight week intervals and an annual M O T.
We provide transport necessitated by the activities of local clubs and societies, offer day trips and excursions and a regular timetabled service to the general public.
“There is always someone to give a helping hand, the drivers are very patient and deserve a big 'thank-you' for their voluntary service" - Alice Curruthers